- Paprika essence – Format of 10,15, 25 kg
- Choice paprika – Format of 10,15, 25 kg
- Chorizo paprika – Format of 10,15, 25 kg
- Gypsy paprika – Format of 10,15, 25 kg
- Paprika delicia – Format of 10,15, 25 kg
Paprika is defined as the powder that is obtained by grinding red paprika pods, after drying, and that is used as a condiment in: stews, meats, soups, sausages. In Chile we call it Ají de color.
Our qualities Esencia, Paprika choice and Paprika choricero are aimed at the factories of cured meats. The quality Gypsy Paprika and the Paprika Delicia are aimed at home made food preparations.